LATEST NEWS MSCA Green Deal Cluster online event. MULTIPLY Fellow Nand Meena will present his project FILON MULTIPLY Fellow Yiming Li will give a talk for SPIE/OSA Aston Student Chapter International Day of Woman In Engineering AIPT-International Day of Light Research Brochure by International Day of Light 2021 NIP Workshop. How it was Parametric Interaction in Photonic Crystals. Mini Symposium 27.04 Agenda PhD positions at the University of Exeter Nano and Integrated Photonics Workshop Brochure NANO AND INTEGRATED PHOTONICS WORKSHOP AGENDA RESEARCHERS’ BLOG Our Fellows reflect on the impact of Covid-19 on their research Three secrets of work during lockdown from Xue Qi MULTIPLY Fellow Vladimir Kalashnikov shared his thoughts on the pros and cons of the pandemic’s impact on researchers MULTIPLY Researcher Nand Meena shared the secrets of working during the lockdown MULTIPLY HELP BLOG 10 tips to stay effective when working from home The MULTIPLY Application Checklist The Academic Workshop Organiser’s Checklist 5 tips for writing a good Expression of Interest letter February 1, 2021 nmanuilovich