Become a MULTIPLY Partner

MULTIPLY is open to new hosts during the Project implementation in order to increase options for prospective fellows to work at top level host organisations. MULTIPLY is open to enlist additional host organisations from both academic and industry sectors, which are able to commit to providing the necessary cofounding to implement a fellowship (about 35,400 Euro per Fellowship Year) and which are able to provide a suitable research and training environment for the applicant, including access to research facilities and appropriate supervision.

New Partners may join MULTIPLY on their own initiative or via a prospective Fellowship applicant who would like to work with a host not yet in the consortium. In order to invite a new host to participate in the MULTIPLY programme the host is advised to contact the MULTIPLY Programme Management Team at Aston University directly by email , or email the Programme Manager, Dr. Srikanth Sugavanam, at .

MULTIPLY reserves right to decline host organisations that do not adhere to the basic principles of the European Union as depicted in the European Charter for Recruitment of Researchers.