Expression of interest

Please use the online form below to directly get in touch with a host institution of your choice. You may also upload a PDF file (<1 MB), where you can specify in details about your interests and desired area of work. The named host organization will recieve your Expression of Interest. The MULTIPLY Programme Co-ordination Team will receive a copy of the email, which will be used anonymously for statistical purposes (please see below). Information you submit via this portal will not be shared with third-parties without your prior consent.

Please note the portal only lists MULTIPLY Partner Organizations looking for fellows in this active Call. You are welcome to contact host organizations not appearing in this list towards future Calls.
 Prior to using this form, we strongly advise you to check your eligibility to carry out the MULTIPLY fellowship at your chosen organisation at, and also refer to the MULTIPLY Guide for Applicants for further details. Expressions of Interest from candidates not fulfilling the eligibility criteria will not be entertained.

How to apply Check your eligibilityApplication Pack

You will need the following information at hand

  • The name of the host organization you are interest to work with.
  • Your current professional status (i.e. Non-PhD holder, EU MS/AC PhD student, Non EU MS/AC PhD student,…)
  • Your Expression of Interest in PDF format (<1 MB). Please limit this to 1 side of an A4 page.
  • At least two references whom the Scientist in charge at the host organization can approach if required.

Fields marked with an asterisk, ‘*’, are required.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt your EOI via email within 24 hours. If you do not receive this, please directly get in touch with the Programme Manager, Dr. Srikanth Sugavanam,

    Your Name*

    Your Email*


    Country of residence

    I am a*

    How did you come to know of MULTIPLY (Ctrl+Click to select multiple items)*

    If you have chosen “Other job site” above, please indicate below the site web-address

    Subject of your email*

    Your Message*

    Your Expression of Interest (PDF File)* (size limit – 5 MB)

    Please select which institutes you would like to send your Expression of Interest to. If you would like to send your Expression of Interest to all organizations, select ‘All Organizations’ from the drop-down menu. :

    Please provide below at least two references, whom the host organization can approach. For the references, please provide their name, institution, position held, and email/phone number*.

    The information submitted above will be made available to the MULTIPLY host organizations of your choosing. The submitted information will not be shared with any third party without your prior consent. Some particulars of the submitted information (country of origin, name of host organization applied to, level of experience of researcher, etc.) will be used in anonymous form towards project reporting purposes. The MULTIPLY Programme Co-ordination team may get in touch with you for further information if required.

    I accept the above terms and conditions.