The following shows the work published by fellows who are part of MULTIPLY.

Link to OpenAIRE – here.

  • Mu-Chieh Lo, Zichuan Zhou, Shujie Pan, Guillermo Carpintero, Zhixin Liu, “Characterisation of thermal crosstalk-induced wavelength shift in monolithic InP dual DFB lasers PIC,” Proc. SPIE 11364, Integrated Photonics Platforms: Fundamental Research, Manufacturing and Applications, 113641U (4 May 2020);
  • Gric Tatjana; Sokolovski Sergei G.; Alekseev Alexander G.; Mamoshin Andrian; Andrey Dunaev; Rafailov Edik U.. The discrete analysis of the tissue biopsy images with metamaterial formalization: identifying tumour locus. IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. ISSN 1077-260X. vol. 27, iss. 5 (2021), p. 1-8.
  • Ioannidis, Athanasios; Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. Surface plasmon polariton waves propagation at the boundary of graphene based metamaterial and corrugated metal in THz range // Optical and quantum electronics. Dordrecht : Springer. ISSN 0306-8919. eISSN 1572-817X. 2020, vol. 52, art. no. 10, p. 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-019-2128-x
  • Gric, Tatjana; Sokolovski, Sergei; Navolokin, Nikita; Glushkobskaya, Oksana; Rafailov, Edik. Metamaterial formalism approach for advancing the recognition of glioma areas in brain tissue biopsies // Optical materials express. Washington : Optical Society of America. ISSN 2159-3930. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 7, p. 1607-1615. DOI: 10.1364/OME.393604
  • Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. Enhancement of the Purcell effect by the wire metamaterials formed by the hexagonal unit cells // Applied Sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. eISSN 2076-3417. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 16, art. no. 5687, p. 1-8. DOI: 10.3390/app10165687
  • Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. A systematic insight into the surface plasmon polaritons guided by the graphene based heterostructures // Optical and quantum electronics. Dordrecht : Springer. ISSN 0306-8919. eISSN 1572-817X. 2020, vol. 52, iss. 9, art. no. 404, p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-020-02524-0
  • Ioannidis, Athanasios; Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. The study of the surface plasmon polaritons at the interface separating nanocomposite and hypercrystal // Applied sciences: Special issue: The newest research in novel materials. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. eISSN 2076-3417. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 11, art. no. 5255, p. 1-13. DOI: 10.3390/app11115255
  • Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik U. Non local efects in cone‑shaped metamaterials // Optical and quantum electronics. Dordrecht : Springer. ISSN 0306-8919. eISSN 1572-817X. 2021, vol. 53, art. no. 301, p. 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-021-02923-x
  • Ioannidis, Athanasios; Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. Looking into surface plasmon polaritons guided by the acoustic metamaterials // Plasmonics. New York : Springer. ISSN 1557-1955. eISSN 1557-1963. 2021, vol. 16, iss. 2, p. 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/s11468-021-01377-x
  • Gric, Tatjana; Rafailov, Edik. Absorption enhancement in hyperbolic metamaterials by means of magnetic plasma // Applied sciences: Special issue: The newest research in novel materials. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2076-3417. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 11, art. no. 4720, p. 1-7. DOI: 10.3390/app11114720
  • C. B. Gaur, V. Gordienko, F. Bessin, and N. J. Doran, Dual-Band Amplification of Downstream L- Band and Upstream C-Band Signals by FOPA in Extended Reach PON, in 2020 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) (2020), pp. 1–4.
  • A. M. Perego, F. Bessin, M. Conforti, A. Kudlinski, K. Staliunas, S. K. Turitsyn, and A. Mussot, Gain Through Loss Frequency Comb Generation in Fiber Oscillators, in 2020 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) (2020), pp. 1–3.
  • F. Bessin, A. M. Perego, K. Staliunas, S. Turitsin, A. Kudlinski, M. Conforti, and A. Mussot, Gain- through-Loss in Nonlinear Fibers: Modulation Instabilities and Tunable Frequency Combs, in 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) (2020), pp. 1–1.
  • S. Coulibaly, F. Bessin, M. G. Clerc, A. Mussot, Forecasting turbulence in a passive resonator with supervised machine learning, ECOC (2021), paper recently accepted for a talk.
  • V. Gordienko, C. B. Gaur, F. Bessin, I. D. Philips, N. J. Doran, A robust polarisation -insensitive C & L band FOPA with >17 dB gain for both WDM and bursty traffic, OFC (2021), paper recently accepted for a talk.
  • Y. Shen*, A. Zdagkas, N.Papasimakis, and N. I. Zheludev,“Measures of space-time nonseparability of electromagnetic pulses,”Phys. Rev. Res.3, 013236 (2021).
  • Y. Shen*, X. Yang, D. Naidoo, X. Fu, and A. Forbes, “Structured ray-wave vector vortex beam in multiple degrees of freedom from a laser,”Optica7(7), 820–831 (2020).
  • Y. Shen*, Z. Wang, X. Fu, D. Naidoo, and A. Forbes, “SU(2) Poincaré Sphere: A generalized representation for multidimensional structured light,”Phys. Rev. A102, 031501(R) (2020).
  • Z. Wan, Z. Wang, X. Yang,Y. Shen*, and X. Fu, “Digitally tailoring arbitrary structured light of generalized ray-wave duality,”Opt. Express.28(21), 31043-31056 (2020).
  • J. Pan,Y. Shen*, Z. Wan, X. Fu, H. Zhang, and Q.Liu, “Index-Tunable Structured-Light Beams from a Laser with an Intracavity Astigmatic Mode Converter,”Phys. Rev. Appl.14, 044048 (2020).
  • F. Mangini, M. Ferraro, M. Zitelli, V. Kalashnikov, A. Niang, T. Mansuryan, F. Frezza, A. Tonello, V. Couderc, A.B. Aceves, S. Wabnitz, “Giving light a new twist with standard optical fibres: rainbow spiral emission,” arXiv:2010.00487 [physics.optics]. 
  • V. L. Kalashnikov, S. Wabnitz, “Distributed Kerr-lens mode locking based on spatiotemporal dissipative solitons in multimode fiber lasers,” Phys. Rev. A 102, 023508 (2020) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023508, also arXiv:2004.00990 [physics.optics]). 
  • R.A. Richter, N. Tolstik, S. Rigaud, P. Dalla Valle, A. Erbe, P. Ebbinghaus, I. Astrauskas, V. Kalashnikov, E. Sorokin, I.T. Sorokina, “Sub-surface modifications in silicon with ultra-short pulsed lasers above 2 mkm,” J. Optical Soc. Am. B 37, 2543 (2020) (DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.396074, also arXiv:1907.13186 [physics.optics]). 
  • B. S. Haridasu, S.L. Cherkas, V.L. Kalashnikov, “Reference Level of the Vacuum Energy Density of the Universe and Astrophysical Data,” Fortschr. Phys., 2000047 (2020) (DOI: 10.1002/prop.202000047, also arXiv:1912.09224 [physics.gen-ph]). 
  • S.L. Cherkas, V.L. Kalashnikov, “Evidence of time evolution in quantum gravity,” Universe, 6(5), 67 (2020) (also arXiv:2003.11284 [gr-qc]). 
  • C. Meng, S. W. Tang, F. Ding, and S. I. Bozhevolnyi. “Optical Gap-Surface Plasmon Metasurfaces for Spin-Controlled Surface Plasmon Excitation and Anomalous Beam Steering,” ACS Photon.7, 1849-1856 (2020).
  • F. Ding, R. Deshpande, C. Meng, and S. I. Bozhevolnyi.“Metasurface-enabled broadband beam splittersintegrated with quarter-wave plate functionality,” Nanoscale12, 14106 (2020).
  • C. Damgaard-Carstensen, F. Ding, C. Meng, and S. I. Bozhevolnyi. “Demonstration of > 2π reflection phase range in optical metasurfaces based on detuned gap-surface plasmon resonators,” Sci. Rep.10, 19031 (2020).
  • P. Singh, N. K. Meena, J. Yang, E. Vega-Fuentes and S. K. Bishnoi, “Multi-criteria decision making monarch butterfly optimization for optimal distributed energy resources mix in distribution networks”, Applied Energy. 2020 Nov 15;278:115723.
  • P. Agrawal, N. Kanwar, N. Gupta, K. R. Niazi, A. Swarnkar, N. K. Meena and J. Yang, “Reliability and Network Performance Enhancement by Reconfiguring Underground Distribution Systems”.Energies. 2020; 13(18):4719.
  • P. Singh, N. K. Meena, S. K. Bishnoi, B. Singh and M. Bhadu,”Hybrid Elephant Herding and Particle Swarm Optimizations for Optimal DG Integration in Distribution Networks”,Electric Power Components and Systems,48:6-7,727-741.
  • P. Singh, N. K. Meena, J. Yang, “Ant colony optimization, modifications, and application”, Swarm intelligence algorithms modifications and applications. 2020 Aug 25;2:392.
  • D. Chitara, N. K. Meena, J. Yang, “Cuckoo Search Optimisation and Application. Swarm Intelligence Algorithms: Modifications and Applications”. 2020 Aug 25:119.
  • Xue Qi, Kay Schaarschmidt, Mario Chemnitz and Markus A.Schmidt “Essentials of resonance-enhancedsoliton-based supercontinuum generation”. Optics Express, Vol. 28, No. 2 /20 January 2020
  • Ricardo E. Silva and David J. Webb “High frequency in-core acousto-optic modulation of a suspended core optical fibre”, Proc. SPIE 11355, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VI, 113550G (1 April 2020);
  • Ricardo E. Silva and David J. Webb “3D Numerical Analyses of Multimode Acoustic Coupling in Standard and Specialty Optical Fibres”, OSA Photonics Conference (13July2020);
  • Xavier Porte, Louis Andreoli, Maxime Jacquot, Laurent Larger, and Daniel Brunner.“Reservoir-size dependent learning in analogue neural networks”, in book:Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2019: Workshop and Special Sessions, pp.184-192 (2019). Open Access link here
  • Nadezhda Semenova, Xavier Porte, Louis Andreoli, Maxime Jacquot, Laurent Larger, and DanielBrunner.“Fundamental aspects of noise in analog-hardware neural networks”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science29, 103128 (2019). Open Access link here
  • Sheler Maktoobi, Luc Froehly, Louis Andreoli,Xavier Porte, Maxime Jacquot, Laurent Larger,and Daniel Brunner.“Diffractive Coupling For Photonic Networks: How Big Can We Go?”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics26, 7600108 (2019). Open Access link here
  • Johnny Moughames, Xavier Porte, Laurent Larger, Maxime Jacquot, Muamer Kadic, and DanielBrunner.“3D printed multimode-splitters for photonic interconnects”,Optics Materials Express10(11), 2952-2961 (2020). Open Access link here
  • Johnny Moughames, Xavier Porte, Michael Thiel, Gwenn Ulliac, Laurent Larger, Maxime Jacquot,Muamer Kadic, and Daniel Brunner.“Three-dimensional waveguide interconnects for scalable integration of photonic neural networks”,Optica7(6), 640-646 (2020). Open Access link here
  • Louis Andreoli, Xavier Porte, Stéphane Chretien, Maxime Jacquot, Laurent Larger, and Daniel Brunner.“Boolean learning under noise-perturbations in hardware neural networks”,Nanopho-tonics9, 13 (2020). Open Access link here
  • L. Andreoli, X. Porte, T. Heuser, J. Große, B. Moeglen-Paget, L. Furfaro, S. Reitzenstein, and D. Brunner, “Optical pumping of quantum dot micropillar lasers,” Opt. Express 29, 9084-9097 (2021) Open Access link here
  • Xavier Porte, Anas Skalli, Nasibeh Haghighi, Stephan Reitzenstein, James A. Lott, and Daniel Brunner, “A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor multimode laser”. J. Phys. Photonics. Open Access link here
  • Open access: Linnet, J., Walther, A.R., Wolff, C., Albrektsen, O., Mortensen, N.A., Kjelstrup-Hansen, J. “Transparent and conductive electrodes by large-scale nano-structuring of noble metal thin-films,” Mater. Express 8, 1696 (2018),
  • Stiller, B., Merklein, M., Wolff, C., Vu, K., Ma, P., Poulton, C.G., Madden, S., Eggleton, B.J. “On-chip multi-stage optical delay based on cascaded Brillouin light storage,” Lett. 43, 4321 (2018),
  • Tserkezis, C., Goncalves, P.A.D., Wolff, C. Todisco, F., Busch, K., and Mortensen, N.A. “Mie-excitons: understanding strong coupling in dielectric nanoparticles,” Rev. B 98, 155439 (2018),
  • Open access: Mortensen, N.A., Goncalves, P.A.D., Khajavikhan, M., Christodoulides, D.N., Tserkezis, C., Wolff, C. “Fluctuations and noise-limited sensing near the exceptional point of PT-symmetric resonator systems,” Optica 5, 1342 (2018),
  • Open access: Boroviks, S., Wolff, C., Linnet, J., Yang, Y., Todisco, F., Roberts, A.S., Bozhevolnyi, S.I., Hecht, B., Mortensen, N.A. “Interference in edge-scattering from monocrystalline gold flakes,” Mat. Express 8, 3622 (2018),
  • Thomaschewski, M., Yang, Y., Wolff, C., Roberts, A.S., Bozhevolnyi, S.I. “On-Chip Detection of Optical Spin-Orbit Interactions in Plasmonic Nanocircuits,” Nano Lett. 19, 1166 (2019),
  • Smith, M.J.A., Wolff, C., Poulton, C.G., de Sterke, C.M. “Stimulated Brillouin scattering in layered media, ” Lett. 44, 1407 (2019),
  • Open access: Wolff, C., Tserkezis, C., Mortensen, N.A. “On the time evolution at a fluctuating exceptional point,” Nanophotonics 8, 1319 (2019),
  • Open access: Wolff, C., Tserkezis, C., Mortensen, N.A. “Enhanced ponderomotive force in graphene due to interband resonance,” New J. Phys. 21, 073046 (2019),
  • Hayenga, W.E., Ren, J., Parto, M., Wu, F., Hokmabadi, M.P., Wolff, C., El-Ganainy, R., Mortensen, N.A., Christodoulides, D.N., Khajavikhan, M. “Direct generation of tunable orbital angular momentum beams in microring lasers with broadband exceptional points,” ACS Photonics 6, 1895 (2019),
  • Open access: Todisco, F., Malureanu, R., Wolff, C., Goncalves, P.A.D., Roberts, A.S., Mortensen, N.A., Tserkezis, C. “Magnetic and Electric Mie-Exciton Polaritons in Silicon Nanodisks,” Nanophotonics 9, 803 (2020), open access,
  • Tserkezis, C., Fernandez-Dominguez, A.I., Goncalves, P.A.D., Todisco, F., Cox, J.D., Busch, K., Stenger, N., Bozhevolnyi, S.I., Mortensen, N.A., Wolff, C. “On the applicability of quantum-optical concepts in strong-coupling nanophotonics,” Reports on Progress in Physics 83, 082401 (2020),
  • Open access: Thomaschewski, M., Zenin, V., Wolff, C., Bozhevolnyi, S. “Plasmonic monolithic lithium niobate directional coupler switches,” Nature Commun. 11, 1 (2020),
  • Open access: Stiller, B., Merklein, M., Wolff, C., Vu, K., Ma, P., Madden, S. J., Eggleton, B. J. “Coherently refreshing hypersonic phonons for light storage,” Optica 7, 492 (2020),
  • Open access: Fiedler, S.,  Raza, S., Ai, R., Wang, J., Busch, K., Stenger, N., Mortensen, N.A., Wolff, C. “Importance of substrates for the visibility of ‘dark’ plasmonic modes,” Express 28, 13938 (2020),
  • K. Svendsen, C. Wolff, A.-P. Jauho, N. A. Mortensen and C. Tserkezis “Role of diffusive surface scattering in nonlocal plasmonics,” J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 32, 395702 (2020),
  • Open access: Wolff, C., Mortensen, N.A., “Stimulated Plasmon Polariton Scattering,” Nature Commun. 11, 4039 (2020),
  • Open access: Stiller, M. Merklein, C. Wolff, K. Vu, P. Ma, S.J. Madden, B.J. Eggleton “Coherently refreshed acoustic phonons for extended light storage,” Optica 7, 492 (2020),
  • Thomaschewski, C. Wolff, S.I. Bozhevolnyi “High-speed plasmonic electro-optic beam deflectors,” Nano Letters 21, 4051 (2021),
  • Open access: A. Mortensen, P.A.D. Gonçalves , F.A. Shuklin, J.D. Cox, C. Tserkezis, M. Ichikawa and C. Wolff “Surface-response functions obtained from equilibrium electron-density profiles,” Nanophotonics (2021, accepted with DOI),
  • Open access: Wolff, M.J.A. Smith, B. Stiller, C.G. Poulton “Brillouin scattering—theory and experiment: tutorial,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 1243 (2021),
  • Boroviks, T. Yezekyan, A.R. Echarri, F.J. García de Abajo, J.D. Cox, S.I. Bozhevolnyi, N.A. Mortensen, and C. Wolff “Anisotropic second-harmonic generation from monocrystalline gold flakes,” Opt. Lett. 46, 833 (2021),
  • A. de Castro, J. Birkenfeld, B. Maceo Heilman, M. Ruggeri, E. Arrieta, J.M. Parel, F. Manns, and S. Marcos. “Off-axis optical coherence tomography imaging of the crystalline lens to reconstruct the gradient refractive index using optical methods”, Biomedical Optics Express (7) 3622, 2019. Open Access link here
  • A. de Castro, E. Martinez Enriquez, P. Perez Merino, M. Velasco, L. Revuelta, S. McFadden and S. Marcos. “Crystalline lens gradient refarctive index distribution int he guinea pig”, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2020
  • E. Martinez-Enriquez, A. de Castro, A. Mohamed, N. Sravani, M. Ruggeri, F. Manns and S. Marcos. “Age- related changes of the 3-dimensional full shape of the isolated human crystalline lens.” Investigative Ophthalmol and Vision Science, 2020. Open Access link here
  • E. Martinez-Enriquez, A. de Castro, S. Marcos “Eigenlenses: an eigenvectors-based model for full crystalline lens shape description”. Open Access link here
  • J. Birkenfeld, A. Varea, J. A. Germann, A. de Castro, A. Curatolo, S. Marcos “Porcine models for localized changes in corneal biomechanics and their applications” (in preparation).
  • G. Muralidharan, J. Birkenfeld, M. Vinas, A. Curatolo, E. Martinez-Enriquez, A. de Castro, S. Marcos, “Myopia changes in crystalline lens accommodation state when using multifocal corrections” (in preparation)
  • Rocco, D., Gili, V. F., Ghirardini, L., Carletti, L., Favero, I., Locatelli, A., … & Leo, G. (2018). Tuning the second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs nanodimers via non-radiative state optimization. Photonics Research, 6(5), B6-B12. Open Access link here
  • McPolin, C. P., Marino, G., Krasavin, A. V., Gili, V., Carletti, L., De Angelis, C., … & Zayats, A.V. (2018). Imaging Electric and Magnetic Modes and Their Hybridization in Single and Dimer AlGaAs Nanoantennas. Advanced Optical Materials, 1800664.
  • Gili V.F., Ghirardini L., Rocco D., Marino G., Favero I., Roland I., & Celebrano M. (2018). Metal–dielectric hybrid nanoantennas for efficient frequency conversion at the anapole mode. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9, 2306–2314. Open Access link here
  • Ghirardini, Lavinia, et al. Shaping the nonlinear emission pattern of a dielectric nanoantenna by integrated holographic gratings. Nano letters (2018). 18(11): p. 6750-6755.
  • Carletti, L., et al. (2018). Nonlinear goniometry by second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs nanoantennas. ACS Photonics, 5(11), p. 4386-4392.
  • Marino, G., et al. Zero-order second harmonic generation from AlGaAs-on-insulator metasurfaces. ACS Photonics, (2019). 6(5): p. 1226-1231.
  • Gigli, C., et al. Polarization-and diffraction-controlled second-harmonic generation from semiconductor metasurfaces. JOSA B, (2019). 36(7): p. E55-E64.
  • Marino, G., et al. Spontaneous photon-pair generation from a dielectric nanoantenna. Optica, (2019). 6(11): p. 1416-1422. Open Access link here
  • Levantoux, A. Parriaux, O. Sidelnikov, G. Granger, M. Jossent, L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, S. Février, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Highly efficient few-mode spatial beam self-cleaning at 1.5m”, Optics Express 28, 14333, 2020
  • K. Krupa, A. Tonello, V. Couderc, A. Barthelemy, G. Millot, D. Modotto, and S. Wabnitz, “Spatiotemporal light beam compression from nonlinear mode coupling,” Physical Review A 97, 043836 (2018);
  • Abdelkrim Bendahmane, Katarzyna Krupa, Alessandro Tonello, Daniele Modotto, Thibaut Sylvestre, Vincent Couderc, Stefan Wabnitz, and Guy Millot, “Seeded intermodal four-wave mixing in a highly multimode fiber,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 295-301 (2018);
  • R. Dupiol, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, M. Fabert, D. Modotto, S. Wabnitz, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Interplay of Kerr and Raman beam cleaning with a multimode microstructure fiber,” Optics Letters 43, 587-590 (2018);
  • K. Krupa, V. Couderc, A. Tonello, A. Picozzi, A. Barthélémy, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, „Spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibers”, Chapter 14 in “Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics”, Ed. Stefan Wabnitz, IOP Publishing Ltd. (2017);
  • Levantoux, G. Granger, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, G. Millot, M. Ferraro, F. Mangini, M. Zitelli, S. Wabnitz, S. Février, and V. Couderc, “3D time-domain beam mapping for studying nonlinear dynamics in multimode optical fibers”, Optics Letters 46, 66, 2021
  • Baudin, A. Fusaro, K. Krupa, J. Garnier, S. Rica, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, “Classical Rayleigh-Jeans condensation of light waves: Observation and thermodynamic characterization”, Physical Review Letters 125, 244101, 2020
  • Fabert, M. Săpânțan, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, Y. Leventoux, S. Février, T. Mansuryan, A. Niang, B. Wetzel, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Coherent combining of self‐cleaned multimode beams”, Scientific Reports 10:20481, 2020
  • Krupa, R. Fona, A. Tonello, A. Labruyère, B. M. Shalaby, S. Wabnitz, F. Baronio, A. B. Aceves, G. Millot, and V. Couderc, “Spatial beam self-cleaning in second-harmonic generation”, Scientific Reports 10:7204, 2020
  • Levantoux, A. Parriaux, O. Sidelnikov, G. Granger, M. Jossent, L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, S. Février, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Highly efficient few-mode spatial beam self-cleaning at 1.5m”, Optics Express 28, 14333, 2020
  • Garnier, A. Fusaro, K. Baudin, C. Michel, K. Krupa, G. Millot, A. Picozzi, “Wave condensation with weak disorder versus beam self-cleaning in multimode fibers”, Physical Review A 100, 053835, 2019
  • Krupa, A. Tonello, A. Barthélémy, T. Mansuryan, V. Couderc, G. Millot, Ph. Grelu, D. Modotto, S. A. Babin, and S. Wabnitz, “Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue”, Invited Perspective paper, APL Photonics 4, 110901, 2019
  • Krupa, V. Couderc, A. Tonello, D. Modotto, A. Barthelemy, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, “Refractive index profile tailoring of multimode optical fibers for the spatial and spectral shaping of parametric sidebands”, JOSAB 36, 1117-1126, 2019,
  • Fusaro, J. Garnier, K. Krupa, G. Millot, A. Picozzi, ”Dramatic acceleration of wave condensation mediated by disorder in multimode fibers”, Physical Review Letters 122, 123902, 1019
  • Deliancourt, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, A. Barthelemy, S. Wabnitz, V. Couderc, „Kerr beam self-cleaning on the LP11 mode in graded-index multimode fibers”, OSA Continuum 2, 1089, 2019,
  • Krupa, G. Garmendia Castaneda, A. Tonello, A. Niang, D. S. Kharenko, M. Fabert, V. Couderc, G. Millot, U. Minoni, D. Modotto, S. Wabnitz, „Nonlinear polarization dynamics of Kerr beam self-cleaning in a graded-index multimode optical fiber”, Optics Letters 44, 171, 2019,
  • Bochek, N. A. Toropov, Z. Han, I. Vatnik and M. Sumetsky, “Surface nanoscale axial photonics structures introduced by bending of optical fibers”, Proc.SPIE 10681, 10681 – 10681 – 6 (2018).
  • A. Razumova, N. A. Toropov, T. A. Vartanyan, and V. A. Polischuk, “Voltage controlled anisotropy of chemically synthesized silver nanorods ensembles intended for near IR applications “, in 2018 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) , (2018 ) , pp. 390-390
  • Bochek, N. A. Toropov, I. Vatnik, and M. Sumetsky, “SNAP Resonators Introduced by Bending of Optical Fibers “, in 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) , (2018 ) , pp. 1-2
  • Qi Yu, Sajid Zaki, Yong Yang, Nikita Toropov, Xuewen Shu, and Misha Sumetsky, “Rectangular SNAP microresonator fabricated with a femtosecond laser,” Opt. Lett. 44, 5606-5609 (2019)
  • Yu, S. Zaki, Y. Yang, N. Toropov, X. Shu, and M. Sumetsky, “Miniature rectangular SNAP delay line fabricated with a femtosecond laser,” in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACPC) 2019, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper M3F.5.
  • Manuel Crespo-Ballesteros, Yong Yang, N. Toropov, and Misha Sumetsky, “Four-port SNAP microresonator device,” Opt. Lett. 44, 3498-3501 (2019)
  • Daria Bochek, Nikita Toropov, Ilya Vatnik, Dmitry Churkin, and Misha Sumetsky, “SNAP microresonators introduced by strong bending of optical fibers,” Opt. Lett. 44, 3218-3221 (2019)
  • Toropov, S. Zaki, T. Vartanyan, and M. Sumetsky, “Whispering Gallery Resonators Introduced by Wet Chemical Etching at the Optical Fiber Surface,” in Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, B. Lee, C. Mazzali, K. Corwin, and R. Jason Jones, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper JM6B.10.
  • Nikita Toropov, Sajid Zaki, Tigran Vartanyan, and Misha Sumetsky, Microresonator devices lithographically introduced at the optical fiber surface, Opt. Lett. 2021 (submitted)
  • Apostel, N. D. Haynes, E. Schöll, O. D’Huys, and D. J. Gauthier, “Reservoir Computing using Autonomous Boolean Networks Realized on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays”, chapter in “Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations and Applications,” eds K. Nakajima and I. Fischer, Springer (2020), under review
  • V.Klinshov, D. Shchnapin, and O. D’Huys, “Mode hopping in oscillatory systems with stochastic delays”, (2020), under review
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  • Chandra B. Gaur, Filipe Ferreira, Vladimir Gordienko, V. Ribeiro, Áron D. Szabó, Nick J. Doran “ Experimental comparison of fiber optic parametric, Raman and Erbium amplifiers for burst traffic for extended reach PON”, Optics Express (Submitted), April 2020
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  • J. Sophie Birkenfeld, J. A. Germann, A. De Castro, A. Curatolo, and S. Marcos, “Assessment of asymmetries in biomechanical properties from corneal deformation imaging,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 , 6809-6809 ( 2019 )
  • J. Sophie Birkenfeld, A. Curatolo, A. Nolan, R. McAuley, A. Abass, A. Eliasy, M. Leahy, A. Elsheikh, and S. Marcos, “Investigation of the corneal frequency response to modulated sound excitation,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61 , 4717-4717 ( 2020)
  • G. Muralidharan, J. S. Birkenfeld, M. Vinas, A. Curatolo, E. Martinez-Enriquez, A. De Castro, and S. Marcos, “Crystalline lens accommodation through multifocal corrections,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 , 1803-1803 ( 2019 )
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  • A. Curatolo, J. Sophie Birkenfeld, E. Martinez-Enriquez, J. A. Germann, J. Palací, D. Pascual, G. Muralidharan, A. Eliasy, A. Abass, J. Solarski, K. Karnowski, M. Wojtkowski, A. Elsheikh, and S. Marcos, “Detecting deformation asymmetries on multiple meridians in an ex vivo keratoconic eye model,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61 , 4723-4723 ( 2020 )
  • A. Curatolo, J. Sophie Birkenfeld, E. Martinez-Enriquez, J. A. Germann, J. Palací, D. Pascual, G. Muralidharan, J. Solarski, K. Karnowski, M. Wojtkowski, and S. Marcos, “Customized swept-source optical coherence tomography system for air-puff induced corneal deformation imaging on multiple meridians (Conference Presentation),” Photonics West BiOS 11218 , ( 2020 )
  • A. Curatolo, J. S. Birkenfeld, J. A. Germann, A. De Castro, G. Muralidharan, M. Velasco, E. Martinez-Enriquez, and S. Marcos, “Customised optical coherence tomography system for corneal deformation imaging on multiple meridians,” XII Reunión Nacional de Óptica (Sedoptica) , ( 2018 )
  • A. Curatolo, J. S. Birkenfeld, E. Martinez-Enriquez, J. A. Germann, J. Palací, D. Pascual, G. Muralidharan, J. Solarski, K. Karnowski, M. Wojtkowski, and S. Marcos, “Customized swept-source optical coherence tomography system for air-puff induced corneal deformation imaging on multiple meridians (Conference Presentation),” Proc. SPIE 11218 BiOS Ophthalmic Technologies XXX , ( 2020 )
  • A. Curatolo, J. Birkenfeld, J. A. Germann, A. de Castro, G. Muralidharan, M. Velasco, E. Martínez, and S. Marcos, ” Customised optical coherence tomography system for corneal deformation imaging on multiple meridians “, in XII Reunión Nacional de Óptica Castellón de la Plana , ( 2018 )
  • O. Kotlyar, M. Pankratova, M. Kamalian-Kopae, A. Vasylchenkova, J. E. Prilepsky, S. K. Turitsyn, Combining nonlinear Fourier transform and neural network-based processing in optical communications, Optics Letters, 45, 3462 (2020),DOI:10.1364/OL.394115
  • O. Kotlyar, M. Kamalian-Kopae, M. Pankratova, A. Vasylchenkova, J. E. Prilepsky, S. K. Turitsyn, Convolutional long-short term memory neural network equaliser for nonlinear Fourier transform-based optical transmission systems. Submitted to Optics Express.
  • O. Kotlyar, M.Kamalian, J. Prilepsky, M. Pankratova, S.Turitsyn, Machine Learning for performance improvement of periodic NFT-based communication system, ECOC 2019, ISBN: 978-1-83953-185-9, DOI:10.1049/cp.2019.1089.
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  • Andreas B. Svela, Jonathan M. Silver, Leonardo Del Bino, Shuangvou Zhang, Michael T. M. Woodley, Michael M. Vanner, and Pascal Det Haye, Coherent suppression of intrinsic backscattering in a microresonator, Light Sct. App. Accepted (2020)
  • Shuangyou Zhang, Jonathan Silver, and Pascal Det Haye, Spectral Extension and Synchronisation of Microcombs in a Single Microresonator, Nat. Commun. Accepted (2020)
  • George N. Ghalanos, Jonathan M. Siver, Leonardo Det Bino, Niall P. Moroney, Shuangyou Zhang, Michael. M, Woodley, Andreas Svela and Pascal Del Haye, Kerr-nonlinearity induced mode splitting in optical microresonators. Phys.Rev. Lett. 124223901 (2020)
  • Niall P. Moroney, Leonardo Del Bino, Michael Woodley, George Ghalanos, Jonathan Silver, Andreas Svela, Shuangyou Zhang and Pascal Del Haye, Logic Gates based on Interaction of Counterpropagating Light in Microresonators. J Lightwave Technol. 38, 414-1419 (2020)
  • Shuangyou Zhang, Jonathan Siver, Leonardo Del Bino, Francois Copie, Michael Woodley, George Ghalanos, Andreas Svela, Niall Moroney, and Pascal Del Haye, Sub-miliwatt-Level Microresonator Solitons with Extended Stability Range Using an Auxiliary Laser. Optica 6 206-212 (2019)
  • Shuangeou Zhang, Jonathan Siver, Xiaobang Shang, Leonardo Del Bino, Nick Riddle, and Pascal Del Haye, Terahertz wave generation using a solton microcomb Opt Express 27, 35257-35266 (2019)
  • Georg Enzian, Magdalena Szcylulsa, Jonathan Siver, Leonardo Del Bino, Shuangyou Zhang, Ian A.Wolmsley, Pascal Del Haye, Michael R Vannerl, Observation of Brilouin optomechanical strong coupling. Optica ,7-14 (2019)
  • Francois Cope, Michael T. Woodley, Leonardo Del Bin, Jonathan Siver,Shuangyou Zhang. and Pascal Del Haye, Interplay of polarization and temporal symmetry breaking in synchronously pumped ring resonators Phys.Rev. Lett. 122, 013905 (2019)
  • Michael: M. Woodley, Jonathan M.Siver, Lewis Hil, Francois Cope, Leonardo Del Bino, Shuangyou Zhang, Gion-Luca Oppo, and Pascal Det Haye, Universal Symmetry Breaking Dynamics for the Kerr Interaction of Counter-Propagating Light in Dielectric Ring Resonators. Phys. Rev. A 98, 053863 (2018)