Dr. Krupa received her PhD in ‘cotutelle’ between the University of Besançon (France) and the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) in 2009. Her doctoral thesis was focused on development of new methods for MEMS/MOEMS reliability investigation. In 2010 she joined the XLIM Institute, University of Limoges (France), as a post-doctoral researcher in nonlinear optics. In 2016 she moved to the ICB Institute, University of Bourgogne, to work on mode-locked fiber lasers.

Dr. Krupa started her one-year MULTIPLY Fellowship in November 2017 in the University of Brescia Italy, under Prof. Stefan Wabnitz, in the area of spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode optical fibres. Her works have generated new insights in the nonlinear polarisation dynamics occurring due to self-cleaning mechanisms, and also laid the foundations for better understanding the nature and the physical mechanisms responsible for the Kerr self-cleaning effect. She is the first Fellow to successfully complete her MULTIPLY Fellowship. Currently Dr.Krupa is an assistant professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.

Project Abstract

The fields of molecular synthesis and biophotonics, or fiber laser and information technologies today drive the quest for advanced tools of complex analysis. Innovative solutions of cellular diagnostics for early detection of infectious diseases, or for high-power beam delivery, beyond the capabilities of current single- mode fiber systems, are required. These photonic devices include a new class of space-time energetic “white-light” sources, which require in turn ground-breaking ultrafast techniques of generation and tunability of multicolor light with a simultaneous spatial control. The new way of thinking, based on tight combination of spatial and spectral features, only over the last couple of years has attracted a great research interest. The aim of this project is to develop new technologies for the multidimensional control of light exploiting the ultrafast spatiotemporal dynamics of beams propagating in nonlinear multimode optical fibers. Special attention will be devoted to new concepts of beam cleaning, in which an optical beam having an initially random intensity and phase distribution, becomes self-organized, significantly improving its spatial quality. New physical mechanisms of light self- localization will be investigated theoretically and experimentally. Obtained results will allow for future low-cost, low-maintenance photonic systems, significantly enforcing the European scientific-technological excellence in photonic technologies.

More information about the project

  • Levantoux, A. Parriaux, O. Sidelnikov, G. Granger, M. Jossent, L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, S. Février, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Highly efficient few-mode spatial beam self-cleaning at 1.5m”, Optics Express 28, 14333, 2020 https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.05878
  • K. Krupa, A. Tonello, V. Couderc, A. Barthelemy, G. Millot, D. Modotto, and S. Wabnitz, “Spatiotemporal light beam compression from nonlinear mode coupling,” Physical Review A 97, 043836 (2018);
  • Abdelkrim Bendahmane, Katarzyna Krupa, Alessandro Tonello, Daniele Modotto, Thibaut Sylvestre, Vincent Couderc, Stefan Wabnitz, and Guy Millot, “Seeded intermodal four-wave mixing in a highly multimode fiber,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 295-301 (2018);
  • R. Dupiol, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, M. Fabert, D. Modotto, S. Wabnitz, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Interplay of Kerr and Raman beam cleaning with a multimode microstructure fiber,” Optics Letters 43, 587-590 (2018);
  • K. Krupa, V. Couderc, A. Tonello, A. Picozzi, A. Barthélémy, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, „Spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibers”, Chapter 14 in “Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics”, Ed. Stefan Wabnitz, IOP Publishing Ltd. (2017);

Related publications after the Fellowship:

  1. Levantoux, G. Granger, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, G. Millot, M. Ferraro, F. Mangini, M. Zitelli, S. Wabnitz, S. Février, and V. Couderc, “3D time-domain beam mapping for studying nonlinear dynamics in multimode optical fibers”, Optics Letters 46, 66, 2021
  2. Baudin, A. Fusaro, K. Krupa, J. Garnier, S. Rica, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, “Classical Rayleigh-Jeans condensation of light waves: Observation and thermodynamic characterization”, Physical Review Letters 125, 244101, 2020
  3. Fabert, M. Săpânțan, K. Krupa, A. Tonello, Y. Leventoux, S. Février, T. Mansuryan, A. Niang, B. Wetzel, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Coherent combining of self‐cleaned multimode beams”, Scientific Reports 10:20481, 2020
  4. Krupa, R. Fona, A. Tonello, A. Labruyère, B. M. Shalaby, S. Wabnitz, F. Baronio, A. B. Aceves, G. Millot, and V. Couderc, “Spatial beam self-cleaning in second-harmonic generation”, Scientific Reports 10:7204, 2020
  5. Levantoux, A. Parriaux, O. Sidelnikov, G. Granger, M. Jossent, L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, S. Février, S. Wabnitz, and V. Couderc, “Highly efficient few-mode spatial beam self-cleaning at 1.5m”, Optics Express 28, 14333, 2020 https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.05878
  6. Garnier, A. Fusaro, K. Baudin, C. Michel, K. Krupa, G. Millot, A. Picozzi, “Wave condensation with weak disorder versus beam self-cleaning in multimode fibers”, Physical Review A 100, 053835, 2019
  7. Krupa, A. Tonello, A. Barthélémy, T. Mansuryan, V. Couderc, G. Millot, Ph. Grelu, D. Modotto, S. A. Babin, and S. Wabnitz, “Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue”, Invited Perspective paper, APL Photonics 4, 110901, 2019
  8. Krupa, V. Couderc, A. Tonello, D. Modotto, A. Barthelemy, G. Millot, S. Wabnitz, “Refractive index profile tailoring of multimode optical fibers for the spatial and spectral shaping of parametric sidebands”, JOSAB 36, 1117-1126, 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.03202
  9. Fusaro, J. Garnier, K. Krupa, G. Millot, A. Picozzi, ”Dramatic acceleration of wave condensation mediated by disorder in multimode fibers”, Physical Review Letters 122, 123902, 1019
  10. Deliancourt, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, K. Krupa, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot, V. Kermene, G. Millot, A. Barthelemy, S. Wabnitz, V. Couderc, „Kerr beam self-cleaning on the LP11 mode in graded-index multimode fibers”, OSA Continuum 2, 1089, 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.00563
  11. Krupa, G. Garmendia Castaneda, A. Tonello, A. Niang, D. S. Kharenko, M. Fabert, V. Couderc, G. Millot, U. Minoni, D. Modotto, S. Wabnitz, „Nonlinear polarization dynamics of Kerr beam self-cleaning in a graded-index multimode optical fiber”, Optics Letters 44, 171, 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.08935

After the MULTIPLY Programme. News from the Researcher

“After the finish of the project I have been continued the work on the project in the framework of collaborations. For instance, in collaboration with the University of Burgundy we have further studied the relation of Kerr-beam self-cleaning phenomenon with classical condensation of light waves [2,6,9]. In collaboration with the University of Limoges, the University of Brescia and the Sapienza University of Rome, we developed a new space-time mapping technique, which permits a measurement of the spatial output pattern at each instant of time, with a picosecond temporal resolution. By using this time-resolved mapping, we provided the first unambiguous experimental observation of instantaneous intra-pulse nonlinear coupling processes among the modes of a graded index fiber [1]. Moreover, we revealed that Kerr self-cleaning mechanism preserves the beams’ mutual coherence via a noise-free parametric process. The emergence of nonlinear spatial coherence was achieved without additional noise, even for self-cleaning obtained on different modes, and in spite of the fiber structural disorder originating from intrinsic imperfections or external perturbations [3]. We also experimentally demonstrated a novel mechanism for the spatial self-cleaning, based on the process of second-harmonic generation in a quadratic nonlinear optical crystal [4].”