Giuseppe Marino received the Ph. D. degree in physics from King’s College London in April 2017 with a thesis on Second Harmonic Generation from hyperbolic nanorod metamaterials, which involved a combination of nano-optics, plasmonics, metamaterials and nonlinear optics. Since then he has worked in the field of semiconductor and dielectric nonlinear quantum nanophotonics at the Nonlinear Physics research centre of the Australian National University. He also worked in the field of photonic crystals during his Master’s research project at Imperial College London. He is the recipient of a number of Awards including an Erasmus Mundus scholarship within the Nanophi project.
Dr Marino started his two-year Multiply Fellowship in September 2017 at Université de Paris, under Prof. G. Leo. His MULTIPLY project aimed at developing nanoscale nonlinear wave shaping sources of quantum light in the near infrared. The nonlinear optical waves generated by such components can find a broad range of applications such as three- dimensional optical transport along predefined trajectories, hologram formation, particle trapping, quantum imaging and filamentation. In particular, his work has addressed the application of nanoscale nonlinear beam shaping on dielectric metasurfaces for the quantum-state engineering of signal-idler photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion.
Project Abstract
The proposal (WINGS) aims at developing active all-dielectric metasurfaces with wavefront shaping functionalities for nanophotonic chips operating in the visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectral regions. This implies the generation and free-space dynamic manipulation of complex linear and nonlinear optical field patterns with ultra-low noise, and their implementation both as two- or threedimensional traps and as nanoparticles transporters with strong impact on the current state-of-the-art of particle manipulation techniques. In the perspective of developing on-chip beam shaping devices, the WINGS material system of choice will be AlGaAs-on-oxide. The latter stands with respect to other materials due to its monolithic integration with GaAs-based light sources, broader spectral range of operation via control of the electronic band gap energy, depending on Al molar concentration, and lack of centrosymmetry, resulting in strong second-order nonlinearities with the possibility of minimizing nonlinear absorptions at VIS and NIR wavelengths. This two-year post-doc project encompasses modelling, semiconductor fabrication, linear and nonlinear optical characterization of nanostructures. In the long term, the WINGS devices can become the next-generation on-chip sensors capable of detecting, manipulating, and analysing chemical and biological samples in their natural environment with high resolution and high throughput.
More information about the project
- Rocco, D., Gili, V. F., Ghirardini, L., Carletti, L., Favero, I., Locatelli, A., … & Leo, G. (2018). Tuning the second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs nanodimers via non-radiative state optimization. Photonics Research, 6(5), B6-B12. Open Access link here
- McPolin, C. P., Marino, G., Krasavin, A. V., Gili, V., Carletti, L., De Angelis, C., … & Zayats, A.V. (2018). Imaging Electric and Magnetic Modes and Their Hybridization in Single and Dimer AlGaAs Nanoantennas. Advanced Optical Materials, 1800664.
- Gili V.F., Ghirardini L., Rocco D., Marino G., Favero I., Roland I., & Celebrano M. (2018). Metal–dielectric hybrid nanoantennas for efficient frequency conversion at the anapole mode. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9, 2306–2314. Open Access link here
- Ghirardini, Lavinia, et al. Shaping the nonlinear emission pattern of a dielectric nanoantenna by integrated holographic gratings. Nano letters (2018). 18(11): p. 6750-6755.
- Carletti, L., et al. (2018). Nonlinear goniometry by second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs nanoantennas. ACS Photonics, 5(11), p. 4386-4392.
- Marino, G., et al. Zero-order second harmonic generation from AlGaAs-on-insulator metasurfaces. ACS Photonics, (2019). 6(5): p. 1226-1231.
- Gigli, C., et al. Polarization-and diffraction-controlled second-harmonic generation from semiconductor metasurfaces. JOSA B, (2019). 36(7): p. E55-E64.
- Marino, G., et al. Spontaneous photon-pair generation from a dielectric nanoantenna. Optica, (2019). 6(11): p. 1416-1422. Open Access link here
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