“I plan to start an independent career as a scientific leader in the new line of research”. Interview with MULTIPLY Fellow Vitor Ribeiro

Vitor Ribeiro made his PhD with a grant awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for science and technology in optical signal processing and performance monitoring for optical networks in 2015. Later he joined Chalmers University of Technology to start studying parametric amplification in the photonics laboratory of MC2 department. In 2018 Dr. Vitor Ribeiro joined Aston University as…

“Pandemic decelerated the implementation of scientific projects.” Interview with MULTIPLY Fellow Vladimir Kalashnikov

Dr. Vladimir Kalashnikov does research in the fields of applied mathematics and theoretical physics including chaos theory, space-time nonlinear and stochastic dynamics, soliton theory, general relativity and quantum cosmology. His main activity was connected closely with ultrafast nonlinear optics, laser physics, and the theory of dissipative solitons Now Dr. Vladimir Kalashnikov is a MULTIPLY Fellow…

“…this broadens my eyesight in the research”. Interview with MULTIPLY Fellow Yiming Li

Dr. Yiming Li received his BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees on Electrical Engineering at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. The main field of expertise is free-space optical communication, including channel modelling and digital signal processing. He was involved in a number of scientific projects related to these subjects (including an international exchange…

MSCA Green Deal Cluster online event. MULTIPLY Fellow Nand Meena will present his project FILON

On 6 and 7 July 2021, the European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) are organising a “European Green Deal Cluster Event”. The event will bring together excellent projects and researchers funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), as well as other research and innovation initiatives under the remit of the European Commission’s…